Ovim putem zahvaljujemo se na izvrsnoj suradnji partnerima GeoCampa s Islanda bez kojih naš STEM projekt ne bi bio toliko uspješan. Svojim predanim radom osnažili su naše STEM vještine i metode poučavanja, a također su nam bili velika podrška i inspiracija u provedbi zajedničkog projektnog zadatka kao i izradi kurikuluma za izvannastavne aktivnosti. Veliko hvala, obitelji GeoCampa!
We would like to thank the GeoCamp partners from Iceland for their excellent cooperation, without which our STEM project would not have been so successful. With their dedicated work, they strengthened our STEM skills and teaching methods, and they were also a great support and inspiration for us in the implementation of the joint project task as well as in the creation of the curriculum for extracurricular activities. Many thanks, GeoCamp family!