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Datum objave: 5. studenoga 2023.


U sklopu STEM projekta pod nazivom „Stemovci u borbi za spas planeta Zemlje/ STEM for planet Earth“ održali smo Dan otvorenih vrata naše škole. Cilj je bio upoznati širu javnost s aktivnostima koje smo ostvarili kroz projekt te prezentirati uspješnu suradnju nositelja projekta, naše škole, i uključenih partnera iz Zagreba te partnera s Islanda. Učitelji i učenici, uključeni u projekt, održali su radionice u sklopu dvanaest izvannastavnih aktivnosti kojima su prisutnima pokazali primjenu inovativnih metoda STEM poučavanja. Na hodnicima škole bili su postavljeni panoi s fotografijama kojima smo pokazali kronološki tijek provedbi pojedinih aktivnosti: dviju terenskih nastava (Dubrovnik i Zagreb), studijsko putovanje učitelja na Island, realizaciju zajedničkog projektnog zadatka pod nazivom „Svjetlosno onečišćenje“. Izložili smo didaktičke materijale i nabavljenu opremu: bespilotnu letjelicu, teleskop, mikroskope, smartwallove, 3D pisače i ostalo.

Ovom prilikom zahvaljujemo svima koji su se odazvali našem pozivu te svojom nazočnošću uveličali naš dan. Posebno se zahvaljujemo našim partnerima s Islanda, gospođi Sigrun Svafa Olafsdottir, gospodinu Arnbjorn Olafsson i gospodinu Olafur Jon Arnbjornsson iz GeoCampa te partneru iz Zagreba, gospodinu Mladenu Plazibatu i gospođi Jovanki Grahovac iz Otvorene računalne radionice pod nazivom „Svi smo protiv“.enlightened



As part of the STEM project called "STEM for Planet Earth", we held an Open Day at our school. The goal was to acquaint the general public with the activities we achieved through the project and to present the successful cooperation of the project holder, our school, and the involved partners from Zagreb and Iceland. Teachers and students, involved in the project, held workshops as part of twelve extracurricular activities where they showed the attendees the application of innovative STEM teaching methods. In the corridors of the school, panels with photographs were placed, which showed the chronological course of the implementation of certain activities: two field lessons (Dubrovnik and Zagreb), the teacher's study trip to Iceland, the realization of a joint project task called "Light pollution". We exhibited didactic materials and acquired equipment: drones, telescopes, microscopes, smart walls, 3D printers, etc.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to our invitation and made our day great with their presence. Special thanks to our partners from Iceland, Ms. Sigrun Svafa Olafsdottir, Mr. Arnbjorn Olafsson and Mr. Olafur Jon Arnbjornsson from GeoCamp and our partner from Zagreb, Mr. Mladen Plazibat and Ms. Jovanka Grahovac from the Open Computer Workshop called "We are all against".enlightened

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