Datum objave: 5. svibnja 2023.


Partneri u projektu pod nazivom  „Stemovci u borbi za spas planeta Zemlje / STEM for planet Earth“ su Otvorena računalna radionica iz Zagreba (https://web-orr.com/) koja provodi edukacije i radionice s timom učitelja uključenima u projekt i GeoCamp Iceland (https://www.geocamp.is/) koji sudjeluje u razmjeni iskustava, izradi kurikuluma za 12 izvannastavnih aktivnosti, izradi i realizaciji zajedničkog projektnog zadatka te je domaćin studijskog putovanja učitelja.enlightened 


Partners in the project called "STEM for planet Earth" are the Open Computer Workshop from Zagreb (https://web-orr.com/), which conducts education and workshops with a team of teachers involved in the project and GeoCamp Iceland (https://www.geocamp.is/), which participates in the exchange of experiences, the creation of a curriculum for 12 extracurricular activities, the creation and implementation of a joint project assignment, and the host of a teacher's study trip. enlightened


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