2020-10-09 11:08:36

Celebrating European Day of Languages in a slightly different way

Despite the epidemiological measures that are currently in force in Croatian schools in our school, the European Day of Languages, which is celebrated on September 26 throughout Europe, has been publicly marked in foreign languages ​​this year as well. As linguistic diversity is a tool for achieving greater intercultural understanding and a key factor in the rich cultural heritage of our continent, the Council of Europe promotes multilingualism throughout Europe. Our school has a long tradition of teaching German, English and Hungarian. A handful of activities related to the topic of European Day of Languages ​​were held with the students within their classes, and presented on the digital online platform Padlet. The students enthusiastically accepted the activities we designed and showed exceptional creativity - so we will learn from a humorous sketch about stereotypes why drafts and cold concrete are the number one enemy for health; listen to various greetings and expressions in different European languages. Click on the following link to see the activities: https://padlet.com/ihmt39/k9dtu2du3gmg7yaz .


                                                                                      Lovro Kedačić, 8.c

Osnovna škola "Vladimir Nazor" Đakovo