2017-11-03 13:22:32


Halloween,or All Hallows' Eve, is an annual celebration on 31 October very popular in America. In our school,as part of this year's  English curricula, pupils engaged themselves in various kid's crafts which we used as Halloween decoration.On that day children in America dress up in costumes ,do trick-or-treat,play apple bobbing and eat Halloween sweets.The most popular ones are marshmallows. With the help of our English teacher and our school janitor we baked marshmallows and prepared a small Halloween party in our English cabinet.We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed eating the sweets.  Just a part of the whole Halloween atmosphere you can see in the photo gallery.

Karlo Perešin i Alen Ramač ,6b


Osnovna ¹kola "Vladimir Nazor" Šakovo